Category Archives: PSHE

3R PSHCE lesson

Today we continued looking at healthy living by thinking about the importance of exercise. We looked at why the heart and lungs are important to keep us active, and had a go at measuring our pulse before and after a 30 second jog on the spot.

Then we talked about why it is important to keep our bodies active and to stay healthy – we made posters showing all the main reasons!


3R Black History Month project

This afternoon we worked on our final pieces to show everything we’ve learnt this month while celebrating Black History Month. Year 3 focused on sporting heroes from the worlds of football, rugby, boxing and athletics.

We made posters today with all the facts we’ve learnt about our sporting heroes – both old and new. Here are some photos of us in action –



In PSHCE this week, we talked about all the different emotions we have. We spoke about the different things that happen to make us feel that way, feeling excited about sleepovers, happy to play with our friends, or shy when we have to speak in front of lots of people.

We read ‘How are you feeling today’ by Molly Potter, and then split up into groups to create a short drama sketch.

Each group showed us an emotion which we then had to guess. Everyone did a brilliant job of creating a dramatic scene to show us their emotions – they showed us happy, upset, excited and even fuming!

Here are some pictures of our impressive performances:



InĀ  PSHE this week, 3HL learnt about and discussed different feelings that we have. As a class we talked about when we tend to have these feelings and the children used their drama skills to create short scenes that demonstrated these feelings. The children had great fun with this!